www.spiritspredict.com, Personal Web Site of Barry Strohm

Since the return of our pet cat, Bodie, we have been conducting channeling with him and his brother, Leo.  If you are an animal lover, you will enjoy these transcripts.
Bodie 2nd First Contact
1.Session held at Sammie’s house, Nov. 29, 2016. Connie and Sammy on board.
2.Carol is acting as our guide and I ask if Bodie is old enough to be contacted. He is currently around 6 months. - Someone is waiting for u ur house.
3.How are the kittens doing? - They are so happy. Life is great.
4.Is this Bodie we are talking to? - Yes.
5.Carol states: - It is hard to keep them on the board. I am with you, yes.
6.Do you have a message? - Not in with u now. I’m home waiting for dinner.
7.When I looked at the clock, it was 10:00 pm. The time we usually feed the kittens.
When I looked at the clock, it was 10:00 pm. The time we usually feed the kittens.

Dec. 5, 2016
Bodie and Leo – Session at apartment in New Oxford.
1.Is it possible to get a message from Bodie? – Sure.
2.Do you have a message for us? – No, I thought you wanted to talk.
3.Connie asks if it would be possible for them to stay off the counter. – That’s no fun.
4.Are you getting enough to eat? – Yes.
5.Do you like the dry food? – Yep.
6.When we talk to you, do you understand what we are saying? – Yes.
7.When I say we will be back do you understand? – I know you’ll be back but don’t know time.
8.Is Leo happy? – Yes. Does not like the dry food as much as me.
9.I ask Leo if we should change his dry food? – Na, I am not that picky.
10.Do you recognize Donna? – I know her, yes.
11.She wants to be your friend. – I am happy she brought me to you.
12.How long will it be until we can go to Utah full time? – I was all ready to go.
13.How long will it be until the store sells? – One and one half at this point.
14.Years? – Yes. I am wishing too.
15.Will Leo be able to speak with us? – Talk to him. He’s more bashful. He’s happy. He’s grateful.
16.Why do you play so rough? – We play like cats.
17.Will you promise me not to hurt each other? – Yes.
18.What is the color of the little ball you play with? – I don’t know colors.
19.Can you see colors? – No.
20.Does our snoring bother you at night? – No. We love Connie too.
21.What about Barry? – Yes.
22.Just not as much? – And Barry.

All information on this website is the property of Barry Strohm and cannot be duplicated without written permission.
We have been doing a lot of channeling with our two cats since they reincarnated and returned to us. You can read their story on my web site www.spiritspredict.com page “Bode is Back.” Here is some information you may not know about animals and animal souls. It is straight from a cat’s mouth, so to speak.
1. When we speak to you, do you understand what I am saying? – Yes.
2.When I say to you that we will be back, do you understand? – I know you’ll be back but don’t know time.
3.Can you see the color of the toys you play with? – I don’t know color.
4.Why do you cats play so rough? – We play like cats.
5.Can a dog reincarnate as a cat? – Yes.
6.Do animals communicate with each other mentally? – Yes.
7.Can humans communicate mentally with animals? – Yes.
8.Is an animal soul immortal? – Yes.
9.Do animal souls progress through reincarnation? – If they choose. They do not have to.
10.Do animals reincarnate outside of their soul family? – No. They arrive for a different experience.